CS Newbaby
New Baby
Newbaby.com is the largest online resource for parenting and motherhood videos. In its original stage, Newbaby was a mix of modern site elements but required cohesion. Newbaby was a formidable presence in the video community offering hosting for video blogs and had an impressive panel of experts providing information to new mothers. It was up to Infinite Acuity to deliver this content as efficiently as possible while increasing the member base with a new member section.
Infinite Acuity worked with a New Baby to help them determine the best way to make their quickly growing video community site efficiently handle the increased bandwidth needs of video streaming on their site. Infinite Acuity determined the best solution for New Baby was to integrate with a content delivery network (CDN). Once the CDN was integrated, Infinite Acuity set out to create a custom Flash application utilizing Ajax. The member section features an easy-to-use member interface that allows them to manage private home videos, photographs, blogs and friends lists.
Furthermore, a partnership was undertaken with Yourminis to allow members to easily display their favorite videos on any site using a custom Newbaby web widget. This produces backlinks to Newbaby.com increasing their Google Page Rank thus driving traffic to the site. A special Google compliant video sitemap was designed to ensure video content would be returned on the Google SERP. RSS feeds and playlist creation has been custom developed throughout the site to suit the New baby user.
Contact us now to learn more about how Infinite Acuity can assist you.