Database Hosting with Secure Backups to Ensure Data Integrity

Database backup

When data integrity is your highest concern, you need to host at a professional and secure location. Our tier one standard hosting provides you with fast and secure servers that are professionally backed up and maintained.

Database Integration of online server data is a specialty that MVI performs. When it comes to secure integration and Backup Storage, our services are second to none. MVI hosting service provides redundant web servers, with database backup every six hours to multiple storage locations. All these features allow a business maximum protection of their digital files. Our database servers synchronize the data to two web servers, this data is synchronized so that both web servers always contain the identical data. Redundant web servers provide the absolute best alternative to loss of any connectivity issues. In the event of a catastrophe to one of the live web servers, the redundant backup server can be made operational within a very short period of time.

Backup Schedule

At MVI Hosting we take the extra steps to protect your data. Below is our schedule for backing up of your important data:

Backup Information

Short-term Backups:
Frequency: daily, every 6 hours
Duration: up to 1-week Archive Backups:
Frequency: once a day
Duration: up to 1 month

Virtual Dedicated *
Short-term Backups:
Frequency: once a day
Duration: up to 1-week Archive Backups:
Frequency: once a day
Duration: up to 1 month

Dedicated *
Short-term Backups:
Frequency: once a day
Duration: up to 1-week Archive Backups:
Frequency: once a day
Duration: up to 1 month

Database Integration

Database integration will collect many existing, resource databases by placing them on a managed, common hardware/software platform within integrated data structures. This involves developing and implementing data standardization, data entry, and reporting procedures. It will create authoritative data dictionaries of nomenclature and bibliographic information linked to the diverse collection, observational and spatial data. It will be delivered through either centralized or distributed system and will be subject to standard procedures to protect data integrity, security and access rights. These developments will enable more effective resolution of within- and between database queries.

Database integration will necessarily be an iterative and ongoing process, and the initial emphasis is on the treatment of existing data and the standards used for them. In the medium term, we will fully employ data standards that are consistent with wider, national and international standards. Additional, smaller databases will be brought into line as future resources allow.

Although we aim to fully enable web-based access, we see data delivery on a date-stamped CDROM as an acceptable and in some cases inevitable interim option, especially for downloading large datasets.

Data quality and integrity are paramount

We increase transparency in data quality assurance through mechanisms such as authority tables, meta-data about origin, ownership, a method of collection, and the level of precision of data.

Redundant Database Hosting

Redundant Database Hosting is done with a second server that duplicates the functions of the live server; the data is synchronized so that both servers hold identical data. Redundant hosting provides the absolute best alternative to loss of a live web server. In the event of a loss of the live server the redundant backup server can be made life in a very short period of time. MVI offers redundant servers, a second Server backing up a live server for quick fail recovery. Standalone database servers. All web servers connect to stand alone DB server for maximum safety against hackers. Databases are synchronized for Rapid Recovery in case of an Emergency. Database Backup, we back up data every 6 hours to an offsite server for maximum safety. We provide auto backup to the client servers if requested. Recovery, we utilize state of the art recovery software that allows for constant synchronization of data so that loss of any data is remote. Security, our data center is second to none.

Increased flexibility

This will be met by greater standardization and interoperability between database applications through the introduction of common data interchange standards; ability to add value to raw data through seamless integration between database management tools and analytical, modeling and visualization tools; data structures that are not constrained to present applications and that can meet new research and resource management queries that we have not even thought of yet.


We are aware of the large and ongoing commitment of resources and specialist expertise needed to support high-quality resource data. Our preferred bigger picture model for data access supports shared access to data created by a home base agency, via user-friendly graphic interfaces and wide area networks. This ensures all users have access to the top copy, that data is created by the expert authority, and that duplication, proliferation and data gaps are minimized. We are committed to further building database relationships and links with other data provider and user agencies.

Data ownership and confidentiality

While adopting an enabling approach to data access, agreements for data sharing need to take account of such restrictions, as well as recognition of ownership and intellectual property.

* MVI Hosting is flexible to changing the backup plan for virtual dedicated and dedicated hosting customers upon request provided the requested plan is reasonable.

Enterprise Level Web Development Services and Support
MVI solutions has been developing web projects for the last 23 years. We have taken 161 companies from scratch and made their business successful, many of them are turning millions. We are consultants, developers, system administrators, technical support and Google Partners. With staff in many countries and states in USA.
Our Location
11555 Heron Bay Blvd #200
Coral Springs, Florida 33076
Quick Contact
Email: [email protected]
Sales +1 (954) 491-9969 ext. 1
Support: +1 (954) 491-9969 ext. 0
Opening Hours
From Monday - Friday
8 a.m. to 7 p.m.